• All prices quoted are in Australian Dollars.

(Australia) 0439 696878

Monday to Friday 9am to 5:30pm.

In The Studio

Wet felting, needle felting, beading, fabric & fleece dyeing, tapestry, weaving, painting with fleece, dyes and fabric paints, batik ... and more

Tales, tips and tutorials from my journey to learn new techniques and revive old ones.

Dyeing with Eucalyptus

Come over to my Blog and join in the fun of dyeing wool, silk and cotton with Eucalyptus leaves!

Folding a 

Folding a Hexagon

So, you want to fold a piece of fabric into a hexagon shape to dye a repeating kaleidescope ... simple eh????

Needle felting as painting with wool

Working with Wool

Needle Felting as a sculptural medium, teasing and shaping a mass of fibres into desired shapes is just part of the process.